  • 2021-04-06 10:20:00
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     1. 人类命运共同体与大学未来发展
     2. 大学在构建人类命运共同体中的使命与担当
     3. 大学在提升人类命运共同体发展中的实践与探索
     4. 智能化教育与人类命运共同体的关系
     5. 人类命运共同体与国际高等教育合作

Welcome Message
Greetings from Xiamen University.

You are cordially invited to attend Xiamen University Humanities and Social Sciences International Forum. The forum is an integral part of Xiamen University Centenary Celebration, in order to promote people-to-people and cultural exchange around the world. On April 5-7th, 2021, The Center for Higher Education Development Research of Xiamen University, UNESCO Asia and Pacific Regional Bureau for Education (Bangkok), the Institute of Education and the Center for Teaching and Learning Development at Xiamen University will host a sub-forum on “Universities Promoting the Development of a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind” in Xiamen. As an important part of the international forum, the sub-forum will invite experts and scholars both at home and abroad to deliver opening and keynote speeches.

The sub-forum sets out to explore the ideas, values, and practices of universities promoting the development of a community with a shared future for mankind, opening up a space for experts and scholars in humanities and social sciences to share research on higher education and the development of a community with a shared future for mankind, discuss existing problems and challenges, explore international cooperation and exchange between different cultures.

Experts and scholars from related disciplines are sincerely welcomed to participate in the sub-forum. Following information and notice about the forum can be found at the official webpage of Xiamen University Centennial Celebration, the official webpage of the Institute of Education at Xiamen University and its WeChat public page, and the web portal of the forum on “Universities Promoting the Development of a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind”.

The overall theme of the sub-forum is “Universities Promoting the Development of a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind”, including:

1. A Community of a Shared Future for Mankind and the Future Development of Universities
2. The Mission and Responsibility of Universities in Building a Community of a Shared Future for Mankind
3. The Practice and Exploration of Universities in Developing a Community of a Shared Future for Mankind
4. The Relationship between Intelligent Education and a Community of a Shared Future for Mankind
5. A Community of a Shared Future for Mankind and International Higher Education Cooperation

Yours sincerely,
Xiamen University Humanities and Social Sciences International Forum Planning Committee

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The University Promoting the Development of a Community of a Shared Future for Mankind

Conference Programme

46日上午 6th April


主持人:吴薇  厦门大学高等教育发展研究中心教授、副主任

Moderator: WU Wei, Professor, Deputy Director of Center for Higher Education Development Research of Xiamen University

开场致辞 Opening Address

刘振天  厦门大学高等教育发展研究中心教授、主任
LIU Zhentian, Professor, Director of Center for Higher Education Development Research of Xiamen University

汪利兵  联合国教科文组织亚太地区教育局教育创新与技能发展部教授、主任(线上,英文)
WANG Libing, Professor, Chief of Section for Educational Innovation and Skills Development(EISD), UNESCO Asia-Pacific Regional Bureau for Education, Thailand (Online, in English)

潘懋元  厦门大学文科资深教授、教育研究院名誉院长
PAN Maoyuan, Senior Professor of Arts of Xiamen University, Honorary Dean of Institute of Education, Xiamen University

8:50-10:10 大会报告 Keynote speeches
主持人:陈廷柱  华中科技大学教育科学研究院教授、院长
Moderator: CHEN Tingzhu, Professor, Dean of School of Education, Huazhong University of Science and Technology

8:50-9:10 大会报告一 Keynote Speech 1
演讲者:汪利兵  联合国教科文组织亚太地区教育局教育创新与技能发展部教授、主任(线上,英文)
Speaker: WANG Libing, Professor, Chief of Section for Educational Innovation and Skills Development(EISD), UNESCO Asia-Pacific Regional Bureau for Education, Thailand (Online, in English)

Title: Mainstreaming Online and Blended Learning in Higher Education through Supportive Ecosystems: Our shared Responsibility to Build Back Better

9:10-9:30 大会报告二 Keynote Speech 2
演讲者:王战军  北京理工大学研究生教育研究中心教授、主任
Speaker: WANG Zhanjun, Professor, Director of Center for Graduate Education, Beijing Institute of Technology

Title: A Community of a Shared Future for Mankind and the World-class University

9:30-9:50 大会报告三 Keynote Speech 3
演讲者:刘庆红  日本早稻田大学公共政策研究所特聘研究员、立命馆大学经营学部教授(线上,英文)
Speaker: Ryu Keikoh, Distinguished Research Fellow of Institute of Public Policy, Waseda University, Professor of College of Business Administration, Ritsumeikan University (Online, in English)

Title: Construction and Promotion of Theories with Chinese Characteristics on Humanities and Social Sciences: An Inquiry into Philosophical Introspection

9:50-10:10 大会报告四 Keynote Speech 4
演讲者:陈洪捷  北京大学博雅教授、中国博士教育研究中心主任
Speaker: CHEN Hongjie, “Boya” Distinguished Professor, Director of China Doctoral Education Research Center, Peking University

Title: The Special Ties of a Community of a Shared Future for Mankind

10:10-10:20 茶歇Tea Break

Parallel Session 1

A Community of a Shared Future for Mankind and the Future Development of Universities

主持人:苏德  中央民族大学教育学院教授、党委书记
Moderator: SU De, Professor, Secretary of the Party Committee of School of Education, Minzu University of China

10:20-10:40 演讲者:王洪才 厦门大学教育研究院教授、副院长
Speaker: WANG Hongcai, Professor, Vice Dean of Institute of Education, Xiamen University

Title: The Status Change and Future Prospect of University in the Construction of the Community of Human Destiny

10:40-11:00 演讲者:周川 苏州大学教育科学研究院教授、院长
Speaker: ZHOU Chuan, Professor, Dean of Institute of Education Sciences, Soochow University

Title: Online Degrees: The “Darling” or “Outcast” of the Globalization of Higher Education?

11:00-11:20 演讲者:Marito Garcia 美国弗吉尼亚大学达顿商学院研究员(线上,英文)
Speaker: Marito Garcia, Research Fellow of Darden School of Business, University of Virginia, USA (Online, in English)

Title: How Online Learning Will Shape the Future of Universities: A Preview from Early Adopters in the US and Europe

11:20-11:40 演讲者:陈斌 厦门大学教育研究院助理教授
Speaker: CHEN Bin, Assistant Professor, Institute of Education, Xiamen University

Title: The University as Species Being and the Construction of the Community of Human Destiny

11:40-12:00 演讲者:Svetlana Sirmbard 吉尔吉斯斯坦亚当大学校长、比什凯克财经学院院长(线上,英文)
Speaker: Svetlana Sirmbard, Rector of Adam University, Dean of Bishkek Academy of Finance and Economics, Kyrgyzstan (Online, in English)
Title: Kyrgyzstan’s Universities: New Missions, Strategies, Models

Parallel Session 2

The Mission and Responsibility of Universities in Building a Community of a Shared Future for Mankind

主持人:李海萍  湖南科技大学教育学院教授、院长
Moderator: LI Haiping, Professor, Dean of School of Education, Hunan University of Science and Technology

10:20-10:40 演讲者:胡建华  南京师范大学教育科学学院教授
Speaker: HU Jianhua, Professor, School of Education Science, Nanjing Normal University

Title: Cultivating the Consciousness of a Community of a Shared Future for Mankind: An Important Mission of the University

10:40-11:00 演讲者:Frank Stonier  西南大学教育学部副教授
Speaker: Frank Stonier, Associate Professor, Faculty of Education, Southwest University

Title: The University's Role in STEM/STEAM Preparation

11:00-11:20 演讲者:张应强  浙江大学求是特聘教授
Speaker: ZHANG Yingqiang, “Qiushi” Distinguished Professor, Zhejiang University

Title: Promoting the Construction of a Community of a Shared Future for Mankind: The Mission and Responsibility of Higher Education in the Era of Globalization

11:20-11:40 演讲者:Lakhana Dockiao  泰国高等教育、科学、研究与创新部智力资本最大化部门主任(线上,英文)
Speaker: Lakhana Dockiao, Director of Division of Intellectual Capital Maximization, Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation, Thailand (Online, in English)

Title: Embracing the Now and Future Priorities with Caring Hearts

11:40-12:00 演讲者:卢晓中  华南师范大学粤港澳大湾区教育发展高等研究院教授、院长
Speaker: LU Xiaozhong, Professor, Dean of Institute for Advanced Study of Education Development in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, South China Normal University

Title: Educational Dimension of Constructing a Community of a Shared Future for Mankind

Parallel Session 3

The Practice and Exploration of Universities in Developing a Community of a Shared Future for Mankind

主持人:洪艺敏 合肥学院中德应用型高等教育研究院教授、院长
Moderator: HONG Yimin, Professor, Dean of China-Germany Center for Research and Cooperation in Application-oriented Higher Education, Hefei University

10:20-10:40 演讲者:李盛兵  华南师范大学粤港澳大湾区教师教育学院教授、执行院长
Speaker: LI Shengbing, Professor, Executive Dean of Teacher Education College of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, South China Normal University

Title: Negative List of University Behavior Based on a Community of a Shared Future for Mankind

10:40-11:00 演讲者:Tony Brown  西安欧亚学院艾德艺术设计学院教授、院长
Speaker: Tony Brown, Professor, Dean of EAaD School, Xi’an Eurasia University

Title: Project Based Design Learning for EAaD School Eurasia

11:00-11:20 演讲者:冯用军  陕西师范大学教育学部教授
Speaker: FENG Yongjun, Professor, School of Education, Shaanxi Normal University

Title: Research on the Final-term Monitoring Assessment of the Construction Effectiveness of the "Double First Class" Universities of China

11:20-11:40 演讲者:Tom Vanwing  比利时布鲁塞尔自由大学心理与教育科学学院教授(线上,英文)
Speaker: Tom Vanwing, Professor, Vice Dean of Department Educational Sciences (EDWE), Faculty of Psychology & Educational Sciences, Free University of Brussel, Belgium (Online, in English)

Title: Towards a Comprehensive Program for Educational Practices for a Sustainable Future

11:40-12:00 演讲者:郭建鹏  厦门大学高等教育发展研究中心教授、副主任
Speaker: GUO Jianpeng, Professor, Deputy Director of Center for Higher Education Development Research of Xiamen University

Title: Chinese University Students’ Core Competency and Its Affecting Mechanism: Towards the Perspective of a Community of a Shared Future for Mankind

Parallel Session 4

The Relationship between Intelligent Education and a Community of a Shared Future for Mankind

主持人:高宏赋 潍坊科技学院教授
Moderator: GAO Hongfu, Professor, Weifang University of Science and Technology

10:20-10:40 演讲者:周玲 华东理工大学高教所教授、所长
Speaker: ZHOU Ling, Professor, Dean of Institute of Higher Education, East China University of Science and Technology

Title: Higher Education in the Era of Artificial Intelligence ——Thinking Based on a Community of Shared Future for Mankind

10:40-11:00 演讲者:Shingo Ashizawa  日本东洋大学区域发展研究部教授(线上,英文)
Speaker: Shingo Ashizawa, Professor, Department of Regional Development Studies, Toyo University, Japan (Online, in English)

Title: Transformation of Global Education under COVID-19

11:00-11:20 演讲者:熊勇  厦门大学教育研究院博士生、温州大学国际教育学院副院长
Speaker: XIONG Yong, Ed.D. Student, Institute of Education, Xiamen University; Deputy Dean, College of International Education, Wenzhou University

Title: Timely and Commendable: China’s Massive Adoption of Online Education and Launching MOOCs Internationally amid COVID-19 Pandemic

11:20-11:40 演讲者:赵祥辉  厦门大学教育研究院博士生
Speaker: ZHAO Xianghui, Ph.D. Student, Institute of Education, Xiamen University

Title: Changes in the Pattern of Higher Education in the World after the Epidemic

11:40-12:00 演讲者:黄蓓蓓  南京大学教育科学学院博士生
Speaker: HUANG Beibei, Ph.D. Student, Institute of Education, Nanjing University

Title: Research on Sustainable Development Strategy of MOOC in China Based on SWOT-CLPV Model

Parallel Session 5

A Community of a Shared Future for Mankind and International Higher Education Cooperation

主持人:徐晓丹  福建商学院研究员、校党委副书记
Moderator: XU Xiaodan, Research Fellow, Assistant Secretary of Party Committee of Fujian Business University

10:20-10:40 演讲者:范怡红  厦门大学教育研究院教授;郝莉  西南交通大学高等教育研究院教授、院长;宋爱玲  西南交通大学体育部副教授
Speaker: FAN Yihong, Professor, Institute of Education, Xiamen University; HAO Li, Professor, Dean of Institute of Higher Education, Southwest Jiaotong University; SONG Ailing, Associate Professor, Sports Department, Southwest Jiaotong University

Title: Cultivating Innovative Talents Based on Multiple Scholarship, Holistic Education and Global Vision: Systematic Development of Support Mechanism for Faculty Development, and Innovative Course Design and Implement

10:40-11:00 演讲者:WAN Chang Da  马来西亚理科大学高级讲师、高等教育研究中心主任(线上,英文)
Speaker: WAN Chang Da, Senior Lecturer, Director of National Higher Education Research Institute (IPPTN), Universiti Sains Malaysia (Online, in English)

Title: China-Malaysia Educational Engagement

11:00-11:20 演讲者:徐岚 厦门大学教育研究院教授、研究生教育研究中心主任
Speaker: XU Lan, Professor, Director of Center for Graduate Education Research, Institute of Education, Xiamen University

Title: Go out to Build a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind: Postgraduate Education Cooperation between China and ASEAN


11:40-12:00 演讲者:凌鹊 厦门大学教育研究院博士生
Speaker: LING Que, Ph.D. student, Institute of Education, Xiamen University

Title: Research on the Changing Mechanism and Characteristics of the Network of Sino-foreign Cooperation in Running Schools in Higher Education ——From the Perspective of the Community of Human Destiny

46日下午 6th April


13:30-15:00 厦门大学人文社会科学国际论坛开幕式
Opening Ceremony for the International Forum on Humanities and Social Sciences Honoring the Centenary of Xiamen University (Online)

15:10-16:10 大会报告 Keynote Speeches

主持人:高晓杰  中国高等教育学会学术与交流部主任
Moderator: GAO Xiaojie, Director of Academic and Communication Department, China Association of Higher Education

15:10-15:30 大会报告一 Keynote Speech 1

演讲者:林蕙青  全国政协委员、中国高等教育学会副会长、教育部原副部长
Speaker: LIN Huiqing, Member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, Vice President of China Association of Higher Education, Former Vice Minister of Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China

演讲题目:担负构建人类命运共同体使命 加快建设高质量高等教育体系
Title: Building a Community of a Shared Future for Mankind, Speeding up the Construction of a High-quality Higher Education System

15:30-15:50 大会报告二 Keynote Speech 2

演讲者:钟秉林  北京师范大学高等教育研究院教授、名誉院长、国家教育咨询委员会委员、国务院学位委员会委员
Speaker: ZHONG Binglin. Professor, Honorary Dean of the Institute of Higher Education, Beijing Normal University, Member of the National Education Advisory Committee and Member of the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council

Title: Universities in the New Era: Missions and Responsibilities

15:50-16:10 大会报告三 Keynote Speech 3

演讲者:Dato Morshidi Sirat  马来西亚理科大学人文学院教授、马来西亚教育部高教司原司长(线上,英文)
Speaker: Dato MorshidiSirat, Professor, School of Humanities, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Former Director of the Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Education, Malaysia (Online, in English)

Title: Universities: For and with the Communities

16:10-16:40 茶歇、合影
Tea Break, Group Photo

16:40-18:00 大会报告 Keynote Speeches

主持人:胡建波  西安欧亚学院教授、董事长
Moderator: HU Jianbo, Professor, President of Xi’an Eurasia University

16:40-17:00 大会报告一 Keynote Speech 1

演讲者:杨斌  清华大学教授、副校长、教务长
Speaker: YANG Bin, Professor, Provost, Vice President of Tsinghua University

Title: Co-Education: Tsinghua’s Exploration on Global Competence Development

17:00-17:20 大会报告二 Keynote Speech2

演讲者:Kazuo Kuroda  日本早稻田大学亚太研究院教授、院长(线上,英文)
Speaker: Kazuo Kuroda, Professor, Dean of Graduate School of Asia-Pacific Studies, Waseda University, Japan (Online, in English)

Title: Asian Regional Cooperation of Higher Education – How can the Chinese and Japanese Universities Collaboratively Contribute to the Development of a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind?

17:20-17:40 大会报告三 Keynote Speech 3

演讲者:贺祖斌  广西师范大学教授、校长
Speaker: HE Zubin, Professor, President of Guangxi Normal University

Title: Universities’ New Mission: To Promote the Construction of a Community of a Shared Future for Mankind

17:40-18:00 大会报告四 Keynote Speech 4

演讲者:沈红 南方科技大学讲席教授、高等教育研究中心主任
Speaker: SHEN Hong, Chair Professor, Director of Center for Higher Education Research, Southern University of Science and Technology

Title: A Promotion from The Research University to The New Research University

47日上午 7th April


大会报告 Keynote Speeches

主持人:王洪才  厦门大学教育研究院教授、副院长
Moderator: WANG Hongcai, Professor, Vice Dean of Institute of Education, Xiamen University

9:00-9:20 大会报告一 Keynote Speech 1

演讲者:林建华  北京大学教授、原校长
Speaker: LIN Jianhua, Professor, Former President of Peking University

Title: The Genes of Universities

9:20-9:40 大会报告二 Keynote Speech 2

演讲者:谢维和  清华大学文科资深教授、校务委员会副主任、原副校长
Speaker: XIE Weihe, Liberal Arts’ Senior Professor of Tsinghua University, Deputy Director of School Affairs Committee, Former Vice President of Tsinghua University

Title: The Unique Contribution of Top Universities to the Construction of a Community of a Shared Future for Mankind

9:40-10:00 大会报告三 Keynote Speech 3

演讲者:Teri Balser  加拿大卡尔加里大学教授、学术副校长、教务长(线上,英文)
Speaker: Teri Balser, Professor, Vice President (Academic), Provost, University of Calgary, Canada (Online, English)

Title: Leadership for a Shared Future: Harnessing our Collective Brilliance

10:00-10:20 大会报告四 Keynote Speech 4

演讲者:徐小洲  浙江大学求是特聘教授、浙江传媒学院校长
Speaker: XU Xiaozhou, “Qiushi” Distinguished Professor of Zhejiang University, President of Communication University of Zhejiang

Title: Stepping into the New Globalization: Construction of a Community of a Shared Future for Mankind and Opening up in Higher Education

10:20-10:30 茶歇Tea Break

10:30-11:50 大会报告 Keynote Speeches

主持人:覃红霞  厦门大学教育研究院教授、副院长
Moderator: QIN Hongxia, Professor, Vice Dean of Institute of Education, Xiamen University

10:30-10:50 大会报告一 Keynote Speech 1

演讲者:阎光才  华东师范大学高等教育研究所教授、所长
Speaker: YAN Guangcai, Professor, Dean of Institute of Higher Education, East China Normal University

Title: Urban Civilization and the University and its Internationalization of Science

10:50-11:10 大会报告二 Keynote Speech 2

演讲者:Anthony Welch  澳大利亚悉尼大学艺术与社会科学学院教授(线上,英文)
Speaker: Anthony Welch, Professor, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, The University of Sydney, Australia (Online, in English)

Title: China, Australia and Internationalisation: A Shared Higher Education Future

11:10-11:30 大会报告三 Keynote Speech 3

演讲者:陆根书 西安交通大学人文学院教授、中国西部高等教育评估中心主任
Speaker: LU Genshu, Professor, School of Humanities, Director of West China Higher Education Evaluation Center, Xi’an Jiaotong University

Title: The Education of International Students in China and the Building of a Community of a Shared Future for Mankind

11:30-11:50 大会报告四 Keynote Speech 4

演讲者:邬大光  厦门大学教育研究院教授、原副校长、教师发展中心主任
Speaker: WU Daguang, Professor, Institute of Education, Director of Center for Teaching and Learning Development, Former Vice President of Xiamen University

Title: Higher Education: From an Academic Community to a Community of a Shared Future for Mankind

11:50-12:00 大会总结 Closing Address

郭建鹏  厦门大学高等教育发展研究中心教授、副主任
GUO Jianpeng, Professor, Deputy Director of Centre for Higher Education Development Research of Xiamen University


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