  • 2023-09-21 13:30:00
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为落实2023年8月怀进鹏部长访问新西兰期间主持召开的中国—新西兰教育联合工作组磋商机制第十一次会议成果和两国教育部《关于教育与培训的合作安排》有关工作内容,打造中新学前教育机制化交流合作平台,持续推进双方学前教育合作和人文交流,促进两国民心相通和民间友好,教育部中外人文交流中心拟与新西兰驻华大使馆合作,继续举办第四届中国-新西兰学前教育研讨会,(会议英文名称:The Fourth New Zealand-China Early Childhood Education Symposium)。现将有关事项通知如下:








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南京师范大学教育科学学院 郭媛媛
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New Zealand Presenter Bios

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Lisa Futschek is the General Manager International of Education New Zealand

Lisa joined ENZ in 2013 after an 18-year diplomatic career with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade which included five years as the Deputy Head of Mission at the New Zealand Embassy in Berlin, and three years as First Secretary and Consul at the New Zealand Embassy in Santiago.  

As General Manager International, Lisa leads a global team of 30, based across more than 15 locations around the world, focussed on profiling New Zealand as an education partner and ensuring international education contributes to New Zealand’s international relations goals.

Lisa has been instrumental in expanding ENZ’s offshore network in Asia and establishing a permanent presence in North America. She brings a strong internationalisation lens to ENZ’s work, emphasizing the critical role of relationships and partnership for mutual benefit.   

A graduate of Otago and Auckland universities, Lisa and her husband Regan are based in Wellington with their two teenagers, a son in tertiary studies and a daughter in year 11 at high school.

莉莎·福切克(Lisa Futschek),新西兰教育国际推广局副局长(国际事务)





Policies of Early Inclusive Education in China and in New Zealand

Policy Overview on Cultivating High Quality ECE Teachers and Children with Additional Learning Needs

Jane Ewens, Manager Early Learning, Te Poutāhū (Curriculum), Ministry of Education, New Zealand

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Dr Jane Ewens has worked in early childhood and teacher education, and education policy for over 30 years. She has worked in parent-led, kindergarten and home-based education settings and is currently working as the Manager Early Learning Curriculum for the New Zealand Ministry of Education. Her research interests include effective teaching and bicultural curriculum.

·埃文斯(Jane Ewens) 博士在学前教育和师范教育以及教育政策方面有超过三十年的工作经验。 她曾在家长主导的游戏小组、幼儿园和家庭托幼机构工作,目前担任新西兰教育部学前教育课程经理(副司级)。她的研究兴趣包括有效教学和双文化课程。

Keynote Speech 专家报告

Title of Presentation: Inclusion and cultural diversity in early childhood education workforces in the Asia-Pacific region


乔斯林. 纳托尔(Jocelyn Nuttall)

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Professor Jocelyn (Joce) Nuttall has recently commenced the role of Amo Matua | Executive Dean – Education at the University of Canterbury. With over 35 years of experience as a leader, educator and researcher in primary school and early childhood settings, Joce has brought a wealth of expertise to this role.Joce previously worked at Australian Catholic University (ACU) where she was Research Director – Teacher Education in the Institute for Learning Sciences and Teacher Education, and where she established and directed the Centre for Early Childhood Futures. Joce previously held the roles of Associate Dean (Teaching; Staff and Environment) at Monash University and Acting Associate Dean (Research) at ACU. She has significant knowledge in the construction and implementation of early childhood curriculum policy and the design of teacher education programmes. Joce was a board member of the Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority from 2016 to 2022. Joce received a Master of Education with Distinction from University of Canterbury and a PhD at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. In 2015 Joce was Chair of the Ministerial Advisory Group appointed to review the implementation of New Zealand’s early childhood curriculum framework, Te Whāriki, on behalf of the New Zealand Government. Her research focuses on the initial and continuing education of educators and educational leaders, and the development of strategies for system-level workforce capacity building in early childhood education and care.

乔斯林. 纳托尔教授最近开始担任坎特伯雷大学教育学院执行院长一职。乔斯林在小学和幼儿教育领域拥有超过 35 年的领导者、教育者和研究人员经验,为这一职位带来了丰富的专业知识。乔斯林曾在澳大利亚天主教大学(ACU) 曾担任学习科学和教师教育研究所的教师教育研究主任,并在那里建立并领导了幼儿的未来中心。乔斯林此前曾担任莫纳什大学副院长(教学、员工和环境) 和澳大利亚天主教大学(ACU)代理副院长(研究)。 她在幼儿课程政策的构建和实施以及教师教育计划的设计方面拥有丰富的知识。 乔斯林于 2016 年至 2022 年期间担任澳大利亚儿童教育和护理质量管理局董事会成员。乔斯林以优异成绩获得新西兰坎特伯雷大学教育硕士学位和新西兰惠灵顿维多利亚大学博士学位。 2015 年,乔斯林担任部长级咨询小组主席,代表新西兰政府负责审查新西兰幼儿课程框架 Te Whāriki 的实施情况。 她的研究重点是教育工作者和教育领导者的初始教育和继续教育,以及制定系统性的幼儿教育和保育从业人员能力建设战略。

Thematic Session: Curriculum Practices in Early Inclusive Education (10 minutes)

Title of Presentation: Curriculum Practices in Early Inclusive Education: Key Lessons from Aotearoa New Zealand


麦瑞可·泰瑟(Marek Tesar)

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Marek Tesar is a Professor and the Associate Dean International, and Academic Head at the Faculty of Education and Social Work, and Director of the Centre for Global Childhood, University of Auckland. His expertise is in early childhood education in both New Zealand as well as in cross-country contexts. His work focuses on educational policy, philosophy, pedagogy, methodology and curriculum, and draws on his background as a qualified teacher as well as his extensive knowledge of international education systems. He has published over 200 peer-reviewed publications. His scholarly work has received numerous prestigious national and international awards and accolades. He edits 4 educational book series with renowned publishers, and is Editor of 6 academic journals including Editor-in-Chief of Policy Futures in Education (SAGE). As of 2020, he is President of the Philosophy of Education Society of Australasia (PESA), and currently chairs the Steering Committee of the Reconceptualising Early Childhood Education society (RECE).

麦瑞可·泰瑟博士是新西兰奥克兰大学教育与社会工作学院教授、学术负责人及国际事务副院长,全球儿童中心主任。他的专业领域是新西兰及跨国背景下的学前教育。基于其作为注册教师的广泛经验,以及对国际教育系统的深刻了解,泰瑟博士的重点工作领域涉及教育政策、哲学、教育学、方法论和课程。 泰瑟博士发表了 200 多篇同行评审的出版物。他的学术著作获得了众多国内外著名奖项和赞誉。 他 与知名出版商合作编辑 4 部教育丛书,并担任 6 种学术期刊的编辑,包括 SAGE 期刊《未来教育政策》 杂志主编。 截至 2020 年,泰瑟博士为澳大拉西亚教育哲学协会 (PESA) 主席,目前担任重新定义学前教育协会 (RECE) 指导委员会的主席。

Title of Presentation: Advancing Inclusiveness In Home-based Education



内里.华雷斯(Nery Juarez)

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Nery Juarez was originally from Mexico, living in New Zealand since 2005. Nery Juarez has a Graduate Diploma in Early Childhood Education, a Diploma in Leadership, and a Postgraduate in Tertiary Teaching and Learning. Nery Juarez has 25 years of experience working in a variety of Early Childhood Teaching roles in Mexico, Colombia and in New Zealand. From a teaching relieving position, to ECE Centre Manager, ECE lecturer and currently Coordinator of a home-based programme at Universal College of Learning /Te-Pūkenga, Nery Juarez has a passion for ECE teaching and learning and believe quality teaching needs to be provided to all our future generations.  


内里.华雷斯来自墨西哥,自 2005 年起居住在新西兰。内里.华雷斯拥有幼儿教育研究生文凭、领导力文凭以及高等教育教学研究生文凭。 内里.华雷斯拥有 25 年在墨西哥、哥伦比亚和新西兰从事各种幼儿教育工作的经验。 从教学接班岗位,到幼儿教育中心经理, 幼儿教育讲师,目前是新西兰国立理工学院-国立联合理工学院家庭项目的协调员。 内里.华雷斯对幼儿教育教学充满热情并相信我们需要为我们所有的子孙后代提供优质的教学。

库什拉.麦凯(Kushla Mckay)

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Kushla Mckay is a Coordinator for the in-work Early Childhood Education programme at UCOL – Te Pūkenga. Kushla Mckay hold a Diploma in ECE and a Post Graduate Certificate in Leadership (ECE). She has spent most of her career managing Early Childhood Centres here in New Zealand. Early Childhood Education is a lifelong passion, that she has brought along with her in to the tertiary Education sector.

库什拉.麦凯是 新西兰国立理工学院-国立联合理工学院在职幼儿教育项目的协调员。 库什拉.麦凯拥有 幼儿教育文凭和幼儿教育领导力研究生证书。 她职业生涯的大部分时间都在新西兰管理幼儿中心。 幼儿教育是她一生的热情,她将其带入了高等教育领域。

Thematic Session: The Development and Practices in Individual Education Plan (IEP) for Children with Special Educational Needs (SEN) (10 minutes)


Title of Presentation: Contextulising Understanding, Promoting Inclusion



切尔西. 布里克菲尔德(Chelsea Bracefield)

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Chelsea Bracefield has a varied scope of experience within the early childhood sector including pedagogy, curriculum, and leadership. Since joining New Zealand Tertiary College, Chelsea has applied her knowledge and experience to support students, associate teachers, and her team within her role as Program Leader Graduate Diploma for NZTC. Chelsea’s research interests are cultural and linguistic inclusion with a focus on teacher leadership and mentoring.


切尔西. 布里克菲尔德在幼儿教育领域拥有广泛的经验,包括教学法、课程设置和领导力。 自加入新西兰高等教育学院以来,切尔西作为 新西兰高等教育学院研究生文凭项目负责人,运用她的知识和经验为学生、准教师和她的团队提供支持。 切尔西的研究兴趣是文化和语言包容性,重点是教师的领导力和指导。

Title of Presentation: Everybody belongs!



肖恩多兰(Sean Dolan)

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Dr Sean Dolan is the Academic Dean of New Zealand Tertiary College and the editor of the early childhood education journal He Kupu. Sean has been involved in education as a teacher and leader for over two decades. Sean’s professional interests and passions lie in the professional development of student teachers for the early childhood sector and advocating for inclusive practices. Sean has recently published on the topic of adaptive expertise in early childhood teaching and how this can be best fostered and developed for students in initial teacher education.  

肖恩多兰博士是新西兰高等教育学院的学术院长,也是幼儿教育杂志《幼教之声》的编辑。 肖恩作为一名教师和领导者从事教育工作已有二十多年。 肖恩的专业兴趣和热情在于幼儿教育领域见习教师的专业发展以及倡导包容性实践。 肖恩最近发表了一篇关于幼儿教学适应性专业知识以及如何在初始教师教育中为学生最好地培养和发展这一主题的文章。

菲奥纳. 伍德盖特( Fiona Woodgate) 

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Fiona Woodgate is the Field Practice Program Leader at New Zealand Tertiary College.  Fiona has been a lecturer at New Zealand Tertiary College since 2016, prior to this Fiona spent 11 years working in a variety of teaching and supervisory roles within the early childhood sector.  Informed by an understanding that everyone has a right to participate and have opportunities to access education, along with awareness of the correlation between quality teaching and positive learning outcomes for children has prompted an interest in supporting initial teacher education and leadership within the early childhood sector. 

菲奥娜·伍德盖特是新西兰高等教育学院的实地实践项目负责人。 菲奥娜自 2016 年以来一直担任新西兰高等教育学院的讲师,在此之前,菲奥娜在幼儿教育领域担任过各种教学和管理监督职务长达 11 年。 人们认识到每个人都有权参与并有机会接受教育,并且认识到优质教学和儿童积极学习成果之间的相关性,促使人们对支持幼儿教育领域的初始教师教育和领导力产生兴趣。

Thematic Session: School Transition and Readiness for Children in Early Inclusive Education (10 minutes)


Title of Presentation: Opening the Gateway to the Future: School Transition and School Readiness in New Zealand's Inclusive Education


何方(Fiona HE) 

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Fiona is a seasoned professional with over 20 years of experience in Auckland's early childhood education (ECE) sector. Throughout her career, she has held various roles, from being a teacher and professional leader to managing ECE centres as Centre Manager or Area Manager for both not-for-profit and for-profit organizations. Her extensive hands-on experience in different centres has allowed her to embrace and understand the rich diversity of cultures, languages, ethnic backgrounds, religions, and perspectives among the children and families she serves.

Fiona holds the distinction of being the first person to introduce New Zealand's ECE practices to China through internet platforms since 2003, fostering cross-cultural exchange and understanding. Additionally, Fiona has been elected as the International Coordinator for OMEP Aotearoa, actively collaborating with the National President to keep the World body of OMEP informed about early childhood policies and developments in Aotearoa/New Zealand.

With a wealth of experience and a passion for promoting inclusivity and cultural appreciation, Fiona continues to make a lasting impact on the lives of children and families, both locally and globally. Her dedication to the ECE sector showcases her unwavering commitment to nurturing young minds and cultivating meaningful community connections.

何方是一位经验丰富的专业人士,在奥克兰幼儿教育领域拥有 20 多年的经验。 在她的职业生涯中,她曾担任过各种职务,从教师和专业领导者到非营利和营利组织的中心经理或区域经理,管理儿童早教中心。 她在不同中心的丰富实践经验使她能够欣然采纳和理解她所服务的儿童和家庭丰富的文化、语言、种族背景、宗教和观点的多样性。

2003年以来,何方是第一个通过互联网平台向中国介绍新西兰幼儿教育实践的人,促进了跨文化的交流和理解。 此外,何方还被选为 世界学前教育组织新西兰的国际协调员,积极与国家主席合作,让 世界学前教育组织这个世界机构了解新西兰的幼儿政策和发展情况。

凭借丰富的经验和对促进包容性和文化欣赏的热情,何方继续对当地和全球儿童和家庭的生活产生持久影响。 她对儿童早教领域的奉献展示了她对培养年轻人思想和培养有意义的社区联系的坚定承诺。

Title of Presentation: Children as active contributors: Preparing inclusive young learners for school



童真 (Phoebe Tong ) 

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Phoebe Tong is the program leader of Postgraduate program at New Zealand Tertiary College. She has worked in early childhood education in Aotearoa New Zealand as a teacher and lecturer for about 15 years. She is currently a doctoral candidate at the University of Auckland. Phoebe’s doctoral study explores Chinese immigrants’ perspectives of becoming and being a teacher in Aotearoa New Zealand early childhood education. This study will contribute to a deeper understanding of teacher identities, particularly how to support immigrant and ethnic minority teachers as they develop positive self-images as valued members of the teaching profession. Phoebe also works in the editorial group of the journal He Kupu.

童真是新西兰高等教育学院研究生项目的项目负责人。 她在新西兰从事幼儿教育工作,担任教师和讲师约 15 年。 她目前是奥克兰大学的博士生。 童真的博士研究探讨了中国移民对成为新西兰幼儿教育教师的看法。 这项研究将有助于更深入地了解教师身份,特别是如何支持移民和少数族裔教师作为教学职业的重要成员建立积极的自我形象。童真还在《幼教之声》杂志编辑组工作。

刘书元(Shu-Yen Law)

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Shu-Yen Law is the program leader of Bachelor of Education at New Zealand Tertiary College and has a decade of experience working with teachers, student teachers, parents, and children aged 0-6 years. She has a Bachelor in Preschool Education and a Master in Education. Her previous works focus on children’s comprehension of visual texts, teaching strategies that foster critical literacy, and refugee family’s sense of belonging. Her professional and research interests include culturally responsive practices, teacher leadership, language and literacy, and brain development.  

刘书元是新西兰高等教育学院教育学士项目的负责人,拥有十年与教师、实习教师、家长和0-6岁儿童合作的经验。 她拥有学前教育学士学位和教育硕士学位。 她之前的工作主要关注儿童对视觉文本的理解、培养批判性读写能力的教学策略以及难民家庭的归属感。 她的专业和研究兴趣包括文化响应实践、教师领导力、语言和读写能力以及大脑发育。

克什尼. 库马尔(Keshni Kumar)

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Keshni Kumar is a lecturer at New Zealand Tertiary College since 2016. Her research interests are in early childhood curriculum pedagogy, culture, and communities of practice. She intends to build her research capacity and capabilities by undertaking opportunities for research when presented. Keshni has a science background and a master’s degree in education with a number of years of teaching experience.

克什尼. 库马尔 2016 年起担任新西兰高等教育学院讲师。她的研究兴趣是幼儿课程教学法、文化和实践社区。 她打算通过接受研究机会来培养自己的科研实力和能力。 克什尼拥有理科背景和教育硕士学位,拥有多年的教学经验。

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Michael Zhang Counsellor (Education), New Zealand Embassy Beijing Regional Director Greater China, Education New Zealand

Michael took up his appointment as Regional Director – Greater China, Education New Zealand in November 2022. He also concurrently holds the role of Education Counsellor at the New Zealand Embassy in Beijing. Prior to joining Education New Zealand, Michael served as a diplomat for a decade with the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT), which included roles in China as Acting Consul-General in Guangzhou (2021) and Deputy Consul-General in Chengdu (2015-2018). His time at MFAT also included foreign policy roles covering North America, the Caribbean, and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), as well as managing New Zealand’s bilateral International Development Cooperation programme for Samoa. Michael has also worked in the legal sector and as a university tutor in New Zealand.

Michael holds a Bachelor of Laws (Hons) and a Bachelor of Commerce and Administration from Victoria University of Wellington.


新西兰驻华大使馆 教育参赞 新西兰教育国际推广局 大中华区主任

张典于202211月就任新西兰教育国际推广局大中华区主任一职,并同时担任新西兰驻华大使馆教育参赞。在加入新西兰教育国际推广局之前,张典在新西兰外交贸易部担任了十年外交官,其中包括在中国担任新西兰驻广州总领事馆代理总领事 (2021) 和新西兰驻成都总领事馆副总领事(2015-2018)。 他在新西兰外交贸易部还曾负责北美、加勒比和东南亚国家联盟 (ASEAN) 的外交政策,以及管理新西兰针对萨摩亚的双边国际发展合作项目。 张典还曾在法律部门工作,并在新西兰担任大学辅导老师。



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Early Inclusive Education in China and in New Zealand

Policies of Early Inclusive Education in China and in New Zealand

Speech topic: Ensuring Equitable and High-Quality Early Childhood Education for Every Child: The Development of China's Policies and Practices in Early Inclusive Education

Introduction: SU Xueyun Doctor of Special Education, Professor, Doctoral Director

Associate Dean, Department of Preschool Education, East China Normal University, Faculty of Education.

She is a postdoctoral fellow at the Child and Development Research Centre, Department of Paediatrics, Georgetown University School of Medicine, and a visiting scholar at the Early Intervention Division, School of Education, University of Oregon, USA. She is also the second executive director of the Preschool Education Committee of the Chinese Society of Education, the director of the China Preschool Education Research Association, and the director of the Intellectual Disability Rehabilitation Committee of the Chinese Association for Rehabilitation of the Disabled. She is a member of the International Association for Early Intervention and the International Society for Augmentative Communication Systems. Recipient of Pujiang Talent Programme.

Her main research areas are preschool integrated education, assessment and development of infants and toddlers aged 0-6 years old, early intervention (autism and children with developmental delays, etc.), children's socio-emotional competence and creativity development, and counselling and guidance on family education. She is responsible for 20 national social sciences general projects, humanities and social sciences of the Ministry of Education, etc. She is also the head of CHILD+ (Child Assessment and Development System), the head of the Chinese version of AEPS-3, and is responsible for the pre-school integration stage of the Ministry of Education-UNICEF "China's Integration Education Promotion - Teachers' Professional Competence Enhancement Project", etc. She is also the head of the Chinese version of AEPS-3. Main Publications: "The Dilemma and Development of Early Intervention for Children with Disabilities in Rural Areas of China: Preliminary Exploration of Constructing an Early Intervention Linkage System" (2022, East China Normal University Press); "My Child Has Autism" (2021, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences Press); "Early Intervention Series for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders"; "Development and Education of Overachieving Children" (Second Edition) (2016. Peking University Press); Early Intervention for Infants and Toddlers (2016, East China Normal University Press). He has published more than forty papers in domestic and international journals such as SSCI,SCI,CSSCI, etc., and has served as a number of journals such as Research on Pre-school Education, Journal of Education, International Journal of Inclusive Education, etc. She is the reviewer of many journals such as Research on Preschool Education, Journal of Education, International Journal of Inclusive Education, etc.



苏雪云  特殊教育学博士,教授,博导



主要研究领域为学前融合教育、0-6岁婴幼儿评估与发展,早期干预(自闭症与发展迟缓儿童等)、儿童社会情绪能力与创造力发展、家庭教育咨询指导等。负责国家社科一般项目、教育部人文社科等课题20项,CHILD+(儿童评估与发展系统)负责人,AEPS-3中文版负责人,负责教育部-联合国儿基会《中国融合教育推进——教师专业能力提升项目》学前融合阶段等。主要著作:《中国农村地区残疾儿童早期干预的困境与发展:早期干预联结系统建构的初步探索》(2022,华东师范大学出版社)、《我的孩子得了自闭症》(2021,上海社会科学院出版社)、《自闭谱系障碍儿童早期干预丛书》、《超常儿童发展与教育》(第二版)(2016,北京大学出版社);《婴幼儿早期干预》(2016,华东师范大学出版社),在SSCI,SCI,CSSCI等国内外期刊上发表论文四十多篇,担任《学前教育研究》《教育学报》《International Journal of Inclusive Education》等多本杂志评审等。

Abstract: Early inclusive education is a vital approach to ensuring equitable and high-quality early childhood education, serving as a means to facilitate affordable and high quality early childhood education for children with special educational needs. This study centers on the progression of localized early inclusive education within China. It delves into the recent policy shifts and advancements pertaining to early inclusive education in China. Furthermore, it sheds light on the proactive endeavors by different stakeholders engaged in the implementation of early inclusive education, highlighting China's valuable experiences, alongside an introspective examination of the challenges and uncertainties confronted.




专题论坛1:学前融合教育中的课程与实施Curriculum Practices in Early Inclusive Education

Speech topic: The Positive Influence of Collaborative Teaching-Research on the Implementation of Early Inclusive Education Programs

Introduction: Wang Xizhen is a senior advanced teacher and the Municipal Top-level teacher in Shanghai. She has been teaching for 38 years. She has been awarded "National Model Teacher" and "Shanghai Model Teaching Personnel (Nomination)". She is the principal investigator of the "Special Education Master Trainer Training Base" in Hongkou District, Expert in Intellectual Disability Rehabilitation Training at the Shanghai Disabled Persons' Federation, Head of the Special Education Research Group at the Shanghai Education Commission's Special Education Center, and Deputy Director of the Shanghai Special Education Professional Committee. The municipal projects she presided over, such as "Practice of Separate Education for Special Children in Integrated Kindergartens" and "Practical Research on Combined Medical and Educational Rehabilitation of Medium and Severe Autistic Children", have won a number of awards from the national, municipal and district education research institutes. She has also published two books entitled "The Practical Research on Combined Medical-Educational Rehabilitation for Medium and Severe Autistic Children" and "The Practical Research on Inclusive Education for Children with Special Educational Needs in Inclusive Kindergartens".



The article introduces the practical experience of inclusive education in Shanghai mainstream kindergartens. The kindergarten takes the implementation of an "inclusive curriculum" as its core, aiming to create an environment where children with special needs and typically developing children coexist harmoniously. This environment fosters a collaborative atmosphere among the entire kindergarten staff, families, and the community, promoting the positive growth of every child. The implementation of inclusive education relies on a "collaborative refinement" strategy, where teachers collectively design and advance inclusive educational curriculum, ensuring individualized placement for children with special needs and an accessible learning environment.

Through the efforts of multiple support teams, children with special needs receive comprehensive support. Guided by the philosophy of "nurturing every child's growth," the kindergarten has achieved significant results. Future plans include deepening educational methods, collaborating with community resources, and building a participatory inclusive educational environment to contribute to the healthy growth of every child.



Speech topic: The "Dual-Module Three-Variation" Curriculum Practice of Inclusive Education in Kindergartens



Tian Hong, Principal of Huaduo Kindergarten Affiliated to Suzhou Preschool Teachers College, Senior Teacher, Subject Leader in Suzhou's Primary and Secondary Schools, Suzhou's "Top Ten Outstanding Teachers." In recent years, he has led or participated in 3 provincial-level research projects, published over 10 papers, served as deputy editor for 2 monographs and curriculum series, and has repeatedly won the first prize in Jiangsu Provincial Teaching Achievement Award (Basic Education Category) and Suzhou Education and Teaching Achievement Award (Basic Education Category).


Meng Jin, Senior Teacher, Former Vice President of Suzhou Preschool Teachers College and Principal of Affiliated Kindergarten. She is also  a senior advanced teacher and the provincial Top-level teacher Candidate for Jiangsu Provincial People's Educator, Outstanding Individual in Jiangsu's "Women's Achievements," Advanced Individual in Jiangsu's Basic Education Curriculum Reform, Member of Provincial and Municipal Supervision Expert Groups, National and Provincial Experts for Training; Suzhou Model Worker, Suzhou Educational Leader, Suzhou's "Top Ten Innovative Women Talents." Leader of the "Meng Jin Studio," one of the first "Suzhou Famous Teacher Studios." Two projects led by her received the National Basic Education Teaching Achievement Award (Jiangsu Special Award) and Jiangsu Province First Prize. The preschool curriculum series "Little Gourmet" edited by her was published by Nanjing Normal University Press.


Abstract: The primary focus of this presentation is on the practice and research of the "Dual-Module Three-Variation" preschool inclusive curriculum for children with hearing impairment. First, it presents the background and philosophy of the "Dual-Module Three-Variation" preschool inclusive curriculum for children with hearing impairment. Second, it outlines the dual-module three-variation curriculum model for preschool inclusive education, emphasizing the integration of kindergarten and rehabilitation curriculum content, organizational forms, and the three variation plans that emerge during implementation. Third, it is centered on the holistic development of children with diverse abilities, effectively implementing the curriculum. The Individualized Education Plan (IEP) serves as a cornerstone for implementing personalized education plans, optimizing curriculum organization and implementation to achieve maximum inclusion. A comprehensive process of educational assessment is adopted to establish an evaluation mechanism.




Speech topic: The Power of Play: Inclusive Education Practices in Kindergartens under the Philosophy of Autonomous Play

Introduction: Dong Xin, female, principal of Linyi First Experimental Kindergarten, and the Provincial Top-level Teacher in Shandong Province.董欣,女,临沂第一实验幼儿园园长,山东省特级教师。


Adhering to the philosophy of making "play the fundamental activity" and a child-centered approach, Linyi First Experimental Kindergarten has been engaged in autonomous play since 2019. Grounded in the principle of "letting go in play, discovering children," we have conducted practical research, fully experiencing the significant power of play in promoting children's development. This presentation centers on individual case studies, using the developmental changes observed in "individual case" children during autonomous play as a starting point. We recognize the unique significance of autonomous play for children with special needs and acknowledge teachers' respect for children's uniqueness and individual differences, fostering acceptance and inclusiveness for every child. This approach has led to a more harmonious and nurturing relationship among children, teachers, and families. We firmly believe that under the philosophy of autonomous play, the kindergarten's inclusive education for children with special needs is undoubtedly more effective and suitable!



专题论坛2特殊教育需要儿童的发现与个别化教育实践The Development and Practices in Individual Education Plan (IEP) for Children with Special Educational Needs (SEN)

Speech topic: Early identification and educational intervention for children with special education needs: A case study of a child with autism 有特殊教育需要儿童的早期发现与教育干预:一名自闭症儿童的个案研究


ZHANG Li, East China Normal University 张莉,华东师范大学

ZHANG Li is an associate professor, in the Department of Early Childhood Education at East China Normal University. She serves as the Secretary of OMEP China. Her research primarily revolves around children's development of approaches to learning, and early literacy development and education in young. Recently, she has focused on language development and education of children with special education needs. Dr. Zhang has actively engaged in several national and international studies. She is the author of a book on child development and education in rural China and several journal articles, book chapters, and conference papers.


Chen Xingyu, Graduate Student, East China Normal University 陈兴宇,华东师范大学研究生


Early identification and educational intervention are crucial for promoting the early development of children with special education needs. This study focuses on a 2-year and 9-month-old boy diagnosed with mild autism, using the "Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test," the "Autism Behavior Checklist (ABC)," parent-child free play interaction data, and parental interviews. The researcher analyzes the child's specific manifestations in three typical symptoms of autism: social interaction, language development, and repetitive behavior. Based on this analysis, the researcher utilizes picture books as a medium for weekly reading and educational intervention, collecting and analyzing the child's responses and behaviors throughout the process. Continuous adjustments and optimizations are made to the educational intervention practice. This presentation will share the preliminary progress and effectiveness of this study, aiming to provide insights and references for the early detection and intervention of children with special needs.



Speech topic: Educational rehabilitation interventions in early inclusive education

Introduction: Professor Tang Min, former Dean of the College of Preschool and Special Education at Kunming University and Principal of the Affiliated Kindergarten of Kunming University

Professor Tang Min, former Dean of the College of Preschool and Special Education at Kunming University, Principal of the Affiliated Kindergarten of Kunming University, and Executive Deputy Director of Yunnan Province Special Education Resource Center. Since 2017, she has led research teams at the college and affiliated kindergarten to conduct studies on preschool inclusive education practices, providing comprehensive educational rehabilitation for 115 children with special needs under the context of full inclusion. She has also actively promoted preschool inclusive education in other kindergartens in Yunnan Province. Her "Special Children CRF Educational Rehabilitation Model" has been awarded the First Prize for Basic Education Teaching Achievements in Yunnan Province.唐敏,教授,昆明学院学前与特殊教育学院原院长,昆明学院附属幼儿园总园长,云南省特殊教育资源中心常务副主任。从2017年开始带领学院及附属幼儿园研究团队开展学前融合教育实践研究,先后为115名特殊幼儿提供全融合教育背景下教育康复,同时推动云南省其他幼儿园开展学前融合教育,其“特殊幼儿CRF教育康复模式”获云南省基础教育教学成果一等奖。


In our inclusive kindergarten, we establish an inclusive and symbiotic educational environment by fostering positive interactions among teachers and peers. Simultaneously, we conduct comprehensive assessments for each child with distinct special needs, identifying their individual starting points. This approach enables us to implement continuous, functionally-oriented educational and rehabilitation training, with the ultimate aim of facilitating the optimal development of each child with special needs.



Speech topic: Facilitating Language Expression in Four-Stage Intervention through Picture Book Reading for Children with Language Delay


Kong Jingting is the Head of the Teaching and Research Group at Xueyuan Road Kindergarten, Xihu District, Hangzhou City. She is currently pursuing a Master's degree in Education at Zhejiang University and is recognized as a rising star in the educational community of Xihu District.

Shen Yanjin is the Deputy Principal of Xueyuan Road Kindergarten, Xihu District, Hangzhou City. She leads the subject team of the Zhejiang Provincial Master Studio and is also recognized as a rising star in the educational community of Hangzhou City.

孔婧婷 杭州市西湖区学院路幼儿园教研组长;浙江大学在读教育硕士;西湖区教坛新秀

沈燕金 杭州市西湖区学院路幼儿园副园长;浙江省名师工作室学科带头人、杭州市教坛新秀


Preschool children are in a critical period of language development. Addressing issues faced by children with language delay, including inaccurate pronunciation, limited vocabulary, inability to form sentences, and difficulties in interactive engagement, educators have employed picture books to explore the four-stage intervention strategy based on picture book reading. This strategy is based on selected picture books, wherein key words are highlighted to stimulate oral motor training and phonetic imitation, constituting the first stage of "picture book introduction". After shared reading of the picture book, educators assist children in expressing interest-based segments through body language and imitative speaking activities, forming the second stage of narration based on the picture books. The third stage, "drama play based on the picture books", involves immersive experiences through storytelling to engage in naming games, performance-based activities, and object-based interactions. The fourth stage, "practical application", focuses on transferring the acquired language skills to real-life scenarios, encompassing both group-based integration and collective immersion. Through a series of practices, children with language delay demonstrated noticeable improvements in pronunciation, vocabulary enrichment, sentence structure application, and peer interactions. The enhanced language expression capabilities also led to increased integration within the group, thereby strengthening the child's sense of belonging, as well as fostering greater inclusiveness within the classroom. 学前期的幼儿正处于语言发展的关键期针对语言迟缓幼儿出现的发音不准确、词汇储量少、语句不会说、互动难接纳的问题教师借助绘本探索了“融‘绘’贯通”四阶干预策略。该策略基于选定的绘本,将绘本中关键字音优选出来引发口肌训练拟音模仿,此为一阶绘引;共读绘本后教师帮助幼儿对兴趣片段进行表达,通过肢体表达仿说游戏学说重点词组及语句即为二阶绘说;三阶绘玩是指用故事情境体验的方式开展命名游戏表演游戏和凭借物互动;四阶绘用是指将习得的语言迁移至生活场景中,分为小组式融合和集体式浸润两种方式。通过一系列的实践该语言迟缓幼儿在发音词汇积累句式片段运用同伴交往上均得到明显提高语言表达能力的提升也让该幼儿集体融入度加强班级整体包融度增加。


专题论坛3:学前融合教育背景下的幼小衔接支持与促进School Transition and School Readiness for Children in Early Inclusive Education

Speech topic: Developing a Three-Tier Support System for High-Risk Preschool Children during the Transition to Elementary School

Introduction: Dr. Zhao is a full professor in the Faculty of Education at Shaanxi Normal University, where she also supervises doctoral candidates. She is the head of the Research Center for Cognitive and Behavioral Studies of Children with Special Needs at the same university. Additionally, she serves as a member of the Education Guidance Committee for Basic Education (Special Education) under the Ministry of Education, and holds the position of Vice Chairman of the Guidance Committee for Special Education Teaching in Shaanxi Province. Dr. Zhao obtained her doctoral degrees from both East China Normal University and the University of British Columbia, becoming the first Ph.D. graduate in the field of special education in China.

Between 2009 and January 2014, she held the role of Vice Dean at the College of Education at Shaanxi Normal University. In this capacity, she supervised graduate studies, conducted research, facilitated international exchanges, and served as the Chief Professor in Early Childhood and Special Education. In 2011, she was invited by the U.S. Department of State Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs as a participant in the International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP), which involved visiting various states across the United States to study educational practices. From January 2014 to January 2018, she was designated by Hanban, the Confucius Institute Headquarters, and the Chinese Ministry of Education as the Director of the Confucius Institute at the University of Arizona in the United States.

For three consecutive years, she has acted as an external examiner for the Master's program in Early Childhood Education at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. She has overseen more than twenty research projects on diverse subjects such as early childhood language acquisition mechanisms and assessments of learning disabilities. She has also authored or co-authored over eighty papers in Chinese and international journals. Her contributions extend to her role as chief editor and contributor for various publications, including "Development and Education of Children with Learning Disabilities," "Preschool Special Education," "Learning Transition Courses in Kindergartens," and "Elementary School Debate and Reading Series."



赵微博士,陕西师范大学教育学部三级教授,博士生导师。陕西师范大学特殊儿童认知与行为研究中心负责人。教育部基础教育教学指导委员会委员(特殊教育),陕西省基础教育特殊教育教学指导委员会副主任委员。博士毕业于华东师范大学和加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚大学,为中国首界特殊教育专业博士。2009-20141月任陕西师范大学教育学院副院长,主管研究生、科研和国际交流工作以及学前与特殊教育专业首席教授;2011年受美国国务院教育与文化事务部邀请作为国际访问者领袖项目的成员(IVLP)访问美国各州教育;20141-20181月受教育部国家汉办委派任美国亚利桑那大学孔子学院中方院长。曾连续三年担任香港中文大学学前硕士专业外审专家,SSCI期刊《Language learning》审稿人。



Abstract: By utilizing the Delphi method and factor analysis, an examination was conducted on six school readiness indicators for 5-6-year-old children across over sixteen kindergartens in Shaanxi Province, China. These indicators encompassed basic learning abilities, mathematical and logical skills, language proficiency, physical health and motor development, emotional and social growth, and behavioral habits. Within this cohort, the prevalence of "at-risk" children, in terms of school readiness, was determined to be 20.5%, with an additional 8% encountering challenges in their readiness.

Should these "at-risk" children not receive timely educational intervention during their kindergarten phase, approximately 90% of them are anticipated to encounter learning difficulties upon entering elementary school. In response to this concern, the study advocates for a three-tier support system, employing a comprehensive educational strategy to augment the quality of kindergarten education. Tailored to accommodate varying levels of "at-risk" children, this system encompasses three tiers: initial collective educational activities, followed by group-based educational engagements, and culminating in personalized interventions. This approach aims to deliver prompt early educational interventions for "at-risk" children, thereby fostering their successful development.

采用德尔菲法和因素分析法,对陕西省十六所幼儿园2400多幼儿园5-6岁儿童的入学准备的六个指标(基础学习力、数理逻辑能力、语言能力、身体健康与动作发展、情绪与社会性发展 行为习惯)进行分析,其中入学准备at risk 儿童检出率为20.5%,入学准备困难儿童约占8%。这些ar risk 儿童如果在幼儿园阶段不能得到及时的教育干预,进入小学后,约90%的儿童将会发展成学习困难者。本研究针对这类高危儿童,以大融合教育观念促进幼儿园教育高质量发展为契机,提出了三层级支持体系,针对不同程度的at risk 儿童,采取 一级集体教育活动干预,二级小组教育活动干预和三级一对一个别化干预支持体系建设思路,帮助幼儿园对at risk 儿童进行及时的早期教育干预。


Speech topic: Practical Exploration of the Transition from Kindergarten to Primary School in the Context of Inclusive Education融合教育背景下幼儿园开展幼小衔接的实践探索


Ma Jun is the principal of Sunshine Kindergarten, affiliated with Beijing East Road Primary School in Nanjing. She is a senior teacher and holds the position of subject leader in Nanjing. Ma Jun has been recognized as an advanced individual in the development of special education in Nanjing, an outstanding education worker in Nanjing, a subject leader in the Xuanwu district, an excellent young teacher in the Xuanwu district, and a "Sixia-style People's Teacher" in the Xuanwu district. She also serves as a part-time educational researcher in the Xuanwu district. Personally, Ma Jun has led multiple city-level research projects and has been awarded several times for her published papers at provincial, municipal, and district levels.马骏,南京市北京东路小学附属阳光幼儿园园长,高级教师;南京市学科带头人、南京市特殊教育发展先进个人、南京市优秀教育工作者、玄武区学科带头人、玄武区优秀青年教师、玄武区斯霞式人民教师;玄武区兼职教研员。个人主持研究了多个市区级课题,多篇论文在省市区获奖。


Wu Shaoping is the principal of the affiliated Kindergarten of Beijing East Road Primary School in Nanjing. She is a senior teacher and has been recognized as a National Outstanding Teacher, a Provincial Top-level Teacher in Jiangsu Province, an Outstanding Education Worker in Jiangsu Province, a leading educator in the inaugural group of distinguished teachers in Nanjing, an Outstanding Young Teacher in Nanjing, one of the Top Ten Young Teachers in Nanjing, a model worker in Nanjing, and a subject leader in the second cohort in Nanjing. Wu Shaoping has undertaken national-level research projects and has independently led and completed fifteen provincial-level projects, including the construction of open curriculum in kindergartens, as well as a key project during the Eleventh Five-Year Plan in Jiangsu Province, focusing on achieving multidimensional positive interactions and promoting harmonious community development. From the start of her career to the present, she has published and received awards for 82 papers in provincial and national journals, and has also contributed to the compilation of multiple educational materials.吴邵萍,南京市北京东路小学附属幼儿园园长,高级教师,全国优秀教师、江苏省特级教师、江苏省优秀教育工作者、南京市首届名教师、首届南京市优秀青年教师、南京市十佳青年教师、南京市千名岗位能手、南京市第二届学科带头人等多项荣誉。曾国家级研究课题,独立主持并完成了十五立项省级课题《幼儿园开放性课程的建构》,独立主持了十一五省级重点立项课题《实现多维良性互动,促共同体和谐发展》。自工作至今,在省级、国家级刊物公开发表和获奖论文82篇,参与编写了多本教材。

Abstract:Inclusive education has brought forth new challenges and opportunities for the preschool to elementary school transition. This report aims to explore how kindergartens can carry out practices for this transition under the backdrop of inclusive education. The report first analyzes the current status of inclusive education in the context of preschool to elementary school transition. Subsequently, it outlines our kindergarten's specific approaches to implementing this transition within the framework of inclusive education, covering three aspects: internal transition within the kindergarten, transition between kindergarten and elementary school, and collaboration with parents.

Regarding internal transition, this report will provide a detailed description of our practices in four aspects of the preschool to elementary school transition: psychological readiness, life readiness, social readiness, and academic readiness. Concerning the transition between kindergarten and elementary school, the report will introduce the principles of two-way transition between the two educational levels and elucidate strategies such as collaborative assessment and joint pedagogical research.

Lastly, the report will emphasize the crucial role of parents in the preschool to elementary school transition process. In summary, under the backdrop of inclusive education, through thorough preparation, collaborative efforts between kindergarten and elementary school, and active parental support, children with special education needs can smoothly adapt to the elementary school environment and achieve comprehensive development.





Speech topic: Integrated Assessment of Developmental Language Disorders in Children and Its Application in the Transition from Preschool to Elementary School within the Context of Inclusive Education


南京师范大学 郑荔教授


Introduction:Dr. Li Zheng is a professor at the School of Education Science, Nanjing Normal University. In recent years, her research has focused on children's narrative language comprehension and expression, early literacy development in children with special needs, identification and intervention of language disorders in kindergarten children, and comparative studies between specific and non-specific language-disordered children.

Abstract: In inclusive education for preschool children, there exists a group of children with developmental language disorders, and their identification and assessment are of significant importance. To facilitate these children in receiving specialized education during their preschool years and ensuring a smooth transition to elementary school learning, we have established an integrated approach to identify and assess preschool children with language disorders. Through this integrated language disorder assessment, we can identify language issues in preschool children, provide language interventions within the inclusive education framework, and help prepare them for their entry into elementary school. The integrated assessment of developmental language disorders in preschool children within the context of inclusive education has shown positive effects on the transition of these children from preschool to elementary school.


