老年话语多模态语料的切分与标注——传统中医药思想的启示 - 顾曰国
  • 2021-08-18 15:00:00
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本研究基于实验室外语健脑强智研究中心申报的——国家人文社科基金重点项目——“基于老年多模态语料库老年语言能力与语言障碍研究(项目批准号:20AYY011)”的实验方法和“老年话语多模态语料库(the Multimodal Corpora of Gerontic Discourse,MCGD)”的大数据,重点讨论MCGD的两个核心问题:(1) 抽样和代表性;(2) 切分和标注。研究团队将中医天人合一思想用作建模的指导原则,经过科学抽样和多模态数据分析,揭示出衰老和人类语言能力之间的作用关系以及人工智能与老年人语言特征研究。研究成果对于语言学、老年医学以及多模态研究等多个学科领域有着重要的启发和指导作用。



【主 人】顾曰国教授





Segmenting and Annotating Multimodal Corpus of Gerontic Discourse

Inspirations and Principles from the Traditional Chinese Medicine

China’s 7th National Census of 2020 shows that the 60-year-old aging population reaches 264 million by 2021. Of 264 million, 190 million is 65 years old or above. Human ageing is unidirectional, and the time arrow always irreversibly points to death. Death terminates indescriminately the language capabilities individual speakers accumulate over the lifespan. This paper explores the interaction between ageing and language capabilities over the last phase of one’s lifespan, viz. from age 60 to the time of death. For this purpose, the Multimodal Corpora of Gerontic Discourse (MCGD) Project was piloted in the years 2003-2010, and became a national project funded by the Chinese Funding Council for Humanities in 2020.

This paper focuses on two central issues of MCGD: (1) sampling and representativeness; (2) segmentation and annotation. Demography-based random sampling is ideal but practically infeasible. 5-year birth cohort sampling is adopted as the second best method. Simulative modeling of a whole person, based on the Oneness Principle of Nature and Man of the Traditional Chinese Medicine, is presented as a governing principle for segmentation and annotation. MCGD comprises the following activity types: (1) Clinic cognitive evaluation tests, including MSE, MoCA, etc. (2) Festive activities: birthday parties, festival gatherings, etc. (3) Interviews: a. patterns of current life; b. experience of fraud victims; (4) Games (proto experimental):cooking, the Tower of London/Hanoi; (5) Retrospective narration of daily events. Complementary data include (1) End-of-life interviews with close relatives; (2) Funerals; (3) Tomb visits. All these activities are audio-video recorded. Demonstrations are provided to show how audio-video signals are segmented and annotated.









主要研究兴趣包括语料库语言学、语用学、话语分析、英语教育等。代表作有Studies in Pragmatics and Discourse Analysis, Using the Computer in ELT: Practice and Theory, Chinese Painting,编写英语教材50余部。

曾任《当代语言学》主编(1998-2015)。担任编委的国际学术刊物包括:Journal of PragmaticsText and TalkPragmaticsJournal of Intercultural CommunicationJournal of Multicultural DiscoursesJournal of CorporaInternational Review of PragmaticsPragmatics and SocietyDialogue and LanguageJournal of Asian Art and Communication.



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