  • 2020-12-24 14:00:00
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The 2020 Kunming South and Southeast Asian Languages Translation Development Forum will be held on December 24-25, 2020 in Kunming, Yunnan Province. Under the guidance of China Foreign Languages Publishing Administration, the Forum is hosted by Translators Association of China and People’s Government of Kunming City, organized by Foreign Affairs Office, People’s Government of Kunming City, and co-organized by “Belt and Road” Youth Alliance and Yenaw Translation.


Rich education resources and talent pool for the South and Southeast Asian languages have been accumulated and developed in Yunnan thanks to the persistent efforts and its advantageous geographical location. Translation of South and Southeast Asian languages is booming in recent years as Yunnan is being made a pivot of China's opening-up to South and Southeast Asia and more exchanges in politics, economy, culture and other fields are carried out in the province with South and Southeast Asian countries.


Leaders from national authorities, experts and scholars from universities in Beijing and Yunnan as well as representative officials from embassies of South and Southeast Asian countries in China and consulate-generals in Kunming are invited to attend the Forum to discuss the opportunities and challenges for the development and talent training of South and Southeast Asian languages translation, and building a translation base for South and Southeast Asian languages in Kunming. Mechanisms will be established and resources integrated through organization to develop a pool of professional translators for South and Southeast Asian languages in Kunming.

Livestreaming Powered by
TTV.CN of Master Translations


Event Schedule

Date: December 24, Venue: Crowne Plaza Gudian Hotel


10:00-11:30 开幕式
10:00-11:30 Opening Ceremony

10:00-10:05 开场、介绍嘉宾(由何云屏副主任主持)
10:00-10:05 Opening Remarks and Introduction of Guests (Hosted by Ms. He Yunping, Deputy Director of Foreign Affairs Office of Kunming)

10:05-10:10 孙群副市长致辞
10:05-10:10 Speech by Mr. Sun Qun, Vice Mayor of Kunming City

10:10-10:15 中国外文局国际合作部副主任高丁博致辞
10:10-10:15 Speech by Mr. Gao Dingbo, Deputy director of International Cooperation Department of China Foreign languages  Publishing Administration

10:15-10:20 缅甸驻华大使馆副馆长汉温昂致辞
10:15-10:20 Speech by Mr. HAN WIN AUNG, DCM of Embassy of Myanmar in China

10:20-11:20 “南亚东南亚语种翻译国际合作发展沙龙讨论”
10:20-11:20 Discussion: “International Translation Cooperation in South and Southeast Asia Languages”
Host: Ms. He Yunping, Deputy Director of Foreign Affairs Office of Kunming
Guests: Mr. Yaya Sutarya, Education Counselor of Embassy of Indonesia in China; Mr. Mohammad Monsour Uddin, Commercial Counselor of Embassy of Bangladesh in China; Ms. Mihiravi Dissanayake, Third Secretary (Education) of Embassy of Sri Lanka in China

11:20-11:30 集体合影
11:20-11:30 Group Photo
11:30-13:00 招待午宴(凭请柬)
11:30-13:00 Hospitality Lunch (with Invitation Card)
11:30-13:00 自助午餐
11:30-13:00 Buffet Lunch


14:00-15:50 专业论坛上半场
14:00-15:50 First Half of the Forum
主题:“南亚东南亚语种翻译发展” :南亚东南亚语种翻译发展现状、问题及未来发展
Topic: "Development of South and Southeast Asian Languages Translation": Current Situation, Problems and Future Development
Host: Yang Jian, Vice Chairman of the Steering Committee on Non-general Language Teaching in Colleges and Universities of Yunnan Province

14:00-14:10 主旨演讲1:《新文科视域下区域国别研究与外语非通用语人才培养》
14:00-14:10 Keynote Speech 1: Country and Regional Studies and Non-general Language Training under the Field of New Humanities and Social Sciences
Mr. Gu Jiayun, Associate Dean of School of Asian & African Studies, Beijing Foreign Studies University

14:10-14:20 主旨演讲2:
14:10-14:20 Keynote Speech 2:
Dean Lu Sheng, School of Southeast and South Asian Languages and Cultures, Yunnan Minzu University, and Chairman of the Steering Committee on Non-general Language Teaching in Colleges and Universities of Yunnan Province

14:20-14:30 主旨演讲3: 《加大非通用语培养力度助力澜湄区域共同体建设》
14:20-14:30 Keynote Speech 3: Stepping up the Non-general Language Training to Promote the Building of Lancang-Mekong Community
Dean Wang Xiucheng, Yunnan Chinese Language and Culture College, Yunnan Normal University

14:30-14:40 主旨演讲4:《小语种+英语与英语+小语种“双外语”翻译硕士培养探索》
14:30-14:40 Keynote Speech 4: Exploration for MTI Training with Bi-foreign Language – Non-general Language + English and English + Non-general Language
Dean Yin Ming, School of International Languages and Cultures, Yunnan University of Finance and Economics

14:40-14:50 主旨演讲5:一带一路背景下南亚东南亚语种翻译教学发展思考
14:40-14:50 Keynote Speech 5: Reflections on the Development of South and Southeast Asian Languages Translation Teaching under the Context of the Belt and Road Initiative
Dean Wang Zong, Department of South Asian Languages, School of Foreign Languages, Yunnan University

14:50-15:50 沙龙讨论
14:50-15:50 Discussion
Host: Yang Jian, Vice Chairman of the Steering Committee on Non-general Language Teaching in Colleges and Universities of Yunnan Province
Guests: Director Xing Yun, Nepali Teaching Research Office of School of Asian & African Studies, Beijing Foreign Studies University; Mrs. Mo Yuanyuan, Associate Professor in Cambodian Language from School of Southeast and South Asian Languages and Cultures, Yunnan Minzu University; Mrs. Tao Wenjuan, Associate Professor in Lao Language from School of Southeast and South Asian Languages and Cultures, Yunnan Minzu University; Director Yang Lizhou, Thai Teaching Research Office of School of Southeast and South Asian Languages and Cultures, Yunnan Minzu University; Mr. Yu Zaizhao, Professor in Vietnamese Language from Yunnan University; Mr. Ling Zuo, Founder of Yenaw Translation

15:50-16:05 茶歇
15:50-16:05 Tea Break

16:05-16:45 专业论坛下半场

16:05-16:45 Second Half of the Forum
主题:“南亚东南亚语种人工智能翻译发展” :南亚东南亚语种翻译与人工智能领域未来共同发展及以昆明为基地发展人工智能翻译
Topic: “Development of AI Translation in South and Southeast Asian Languages”: Future and AI Translation Based on Kunming

16:05-16:15 主旨演讲1: 《人工智能技术最新进展及其在多语言技术的应用》
16:05-16:15 Keynote Speech 1: Latest Achievements in AI Technology and Its Application in Multilingual Field
Ruan Fengjiao, Vice President of iFLYTEK Institute of Multilingual Technology for South and Southeast Asian Languages

16:15-16:25 主旨演讲2:《人机共译助力高级语言人才养成》
16:15-16:25 Keynote Speech 2: Assisting the Growth of Senior Linguists with Machine-aided Translation
Yan Lili, Vice President of Transn IOL Technology Co., Ltd

16:25-16:35 主旨演讲3:《技术研发与产业应用最新进展》
16:25-16:35 Keynote Speech 3: Latest Progress in Technological Research and Industrial Application
Zhang Chunliang, President of NiuTrans

16:35-16:45 主旨演讲4:《面向南亚东南亚语种的在线智能翻译管理平台的应用》
16:35-16:45 Keynote Speech 4: Application of Online AI Translation Platform Facing South and Southeast Asian Languages
Zhang Jing, General Manager of Tmxmall

December 25, Venue: Crowne Plaza Gudian Hotel

Closed-door Seminar on Building A Pool of Professional Translators for South and Southeast Asian Languages in Kunming

Time: 09:30-12:00, December 25, 2020
Venue: Yu Hua Hai Hall, Crowne Plaza Gudian Hotel

Livestreaming Powered by
TTV.CN of Master Translations
